This regulation is an agreement between the organizer and the participant.
The regulation is available on the event’s website,, and/or at the entrance to the exhibition venue.
The organizer reserves the right to modify this Regulation at any time, without prior notice to the Participant. Any modification will be displayed on the event’s website,, and/or at the entrance to the event venue, being immediately applicable after the moment of display.
By participating in the exhibition, the Participant acknowledges and agrees to comply with this Regulation. At each access zone, the Participant is made aware of and agrees to this regulation, which will be displayed in a visible location in these areas, in addition to other means of being made public, such as through the Website. All participants must respect social rules, laws, and those listed in this Regulation. Participants are not allowed to engage in activities that could endanger or affect in any way the safety or rights of other participants. The organizer is not liable for any damage (material or physical) caused by non-compliance with the Regulation and may seek compensation from those responsible for violating it. Participants are required, in the perimeter of the exhibition area, including parking, access areas, adjacent spaces, etc., to respect and not destroy materials and constructions of any kind.
Exhibition Schedule:
During the event (May 16-18, 2024), the exhibition is open daily, from Thursday to Saturday, following this schedule for Visitors: 10:00 – 18:00.
Exhibitors are not permitted to invite visitors who arrive at the exhibition before or after the period of May 16-18, 2024, and outside the announced visiting hours.
- Access within the Exhibition:
- For Visitors, access to the exhibition is as follows:
- Based on an invitation to visit, with the obligation to register personal data at the entrance.
- Free access ticket obtained after online registration on
Entry Ticket: free, obtained at the exhibition entrances. The organizer guarantees ONLY the validity of tickets sold at the exhibition’s ticket offices. The loss, damage, or destruction of the ticket is the sole responsibility of the participant.
- Based on an invitation to the Official Opening
- Based on a Premium Access invitation
- Based on the access coupon/ QR code received after registration according to points 1) and 2)
IMPORTANT! The commercialization of invitations is prohibited. The organizers reserve the right to deny access to the exhibition area to persons found to be engaging in such activities and to confiscate the invitations or tickets in their possession. At the time of Online or Offline Check-in (with invitation), the Visitor is solely responsible for the accuracy of the data entered. The organizer has the right and will check on-site if the data entered by the visitor matches the data on their ID card. At the time of Check-in, the user acknowledges and agrees to this regulation, displayed on the website
Visitor access to the Exhibition is through entrances marked by the Organizer only. At the request of the security team or the Organizer’s representatives or other competent authorities, the Participant is obliged to present access documents and identification. All event participants must carry an ID.
For Exhibitors, access will be allowed only with a badge fully completed with the company name and the name and surname of the company representative.
Vehicle access for transporting food products to the stand is allowed daily, only with a special parking ticket provided by the Organizer and for a limited number of vehicles, as follows: in the morning until 08:30 and in the afternoon between 18:30 – 19:30, accompanied by a representative of the Exhibitor and the Organizer.
- For logistical reasons, there are areas within the exhibition where vehicle access is not permitted or possible.
- The Organizer reserves the right to modify the list of exhibitors, both before the exhibition and during it.
It is prohibited to bring the following: drugs, pyrotechnic devices, glass, blunt objects, knives, explosive, toxic or flammable materials, objects that may harm others, knives, paralyzing spray, chains, or other objects that visibly represent a public danger or that, if improperly used, can represent a public danger. Participants can enter the exhibition perimeter with backpacks or bags of maximum dimensions 29cm x 21cm x 12cm. Participants are not allowed to bring alcohol, food, or any liquids into the exhibition perimeter (except for insulin or other medication for which a medical prescription will be presented).
Visitors are not allowed to bring animals into the exhibition area.
Participation in the exhibition is at one’s own risk or the risk of legal representatives, including for persons with mental or physical illnesses for whom crowded areas, loud noises, and special sound, visual, and audio effects pose a risk. Thus, both participants and legal representatives of persons in the situation of having a legal representative, assume full responsibility for the damages they or the persons they represent may suffer by participating in the event. The Organizer informs participants that there may be activities involving machinery handling during the exhibition, and it assumes no responsibility for injuries or material damages.
Parking during the exhibition
The Romanian Road Code applies in the entire exhibition center and its parking areas. A maximum speed limit of 20 km/h is applied in the exhibition space. Inside the pavilions, vehicle circulation is prohibited. This rule also applies to the rest of the exhibition center during exhibitions.
Parking for trucks is not allowed.
Visitors will park outside the exhibition space, in appropriately marked areas.
Parking vehicles in the Exhibition parking area outside the hours of 09:00 – 19:00 is prohibited. The organizer does not assume any material damages for vehicles parked in the exhibition area, outside the pre-established schedule.
Vehicles are not allowed to stop in the entire exhibition space except in appropriately designed areas. ROBUILD reserves the right to remove, at the risk and expense of the responsible person, driver, or owner, any vehicles, trailers, containers, etc., or empty packaging left in areas where stopping is prohibited.
It is prohibited to use parking spaces marked reserved for persons with disabilities by persons who are not in such a situation; parking vehicles outside marked spaces; parking vehicles in front of access ways; advertising of any kind within the parking area.
It is prohibited to leave animals, flammable substances, or other dangerous substances in the vehicle.
The driver/owner of the vehicle is obliged not to leave valuable objects in plain sight in the vehicle. ROBUILD is not responsible for any damage, injuries, or thefts that may occur in the parking area.
ROBUILD is not responsible for accidents or any other incidents suffered by parking users/drivers due to inattention, improper use (or for any other reasons) of barriers or other equipment, installations, or similar belonging to the Exhibition parking.
ROBUILD reserves the right to prohibit the display or distribution of advertising materials that could give rise to offenses against other participants and will take measures that will lead to the confiscation, during the event, of existing stocks of materials.
The display and distribution of leaflets and promotional materials are free within the rented area of the exhibitor. Conducting this activity outside the rented space can only be done under the conditions specified in the annex forms to the contract. Conducting this activity by a third party is prohibited.
Advertising will be limited to product promotion and will not violate legal provisions, will not be political or ideological in nature. Comparative advertising is not allowed. ROBUILD has the right to remove from the Exhibition, without the client’s consent, inscriptions, advertisements, and other forms of advertising, if it considers that they are not in accordance with Romanian legislation, the conditions of participation, or disturb other exhibitors.
Security and emergency situations
Within the perimeter of the exhibition, the Organizer ensures security through a qualified and accredited partner. Participants are required to respect security agents, cooperate with them, and follow their instructions in case of an emergency. In case of incidents, violence, or endangerment of the physical integrity of other persons, the security personnel may decide to evacuate the persons involved from the premises where the event is taking place without compensating the evacuated person or refunding the ticket price.
Participants will comply with fire prevention laws, work accident prevention laws in accordance with the provisions of the Romanian Civil Code. Smoking in stands/pavilions is strictly prohibited, being possible only in specially designated outdoor areas.
Within the perimeter of the exhibition, there is a first aid point and medical personnel.
Access to emergency fire intervention zones, emergency evacuation routes, and appropriately designed safety zones must not be restricted. Access cannot be restricted by parked vehicles, exhibited objects, building materials, or packaging that block the way, especially during the periods of construction and dismantling of stands.
Vehicles and objects parked or blocking emergency fire intervention zones, emergency evacuation routes, or safety zones can be removed at the expense of the responsible person.
ROBUILD and/or the security company hired by it to supervise the exhibition space is responsible for security at entrances and, as appropriate, inside the exhibition or pavilions. ROBUILD does not guarantee continuous security and monitoring of the Exhibition. ROBUILD is authorized to implement any measures it deems necessary for security and monitoring purposes.
For promoting the Robuild 2024 event and its partners, we create photo, audio, and video materials during the event. If you participate in the event, the photo, audio, and video materials may include your image/voice. Your participation implies your consent for the creation and use of audio and/or video materials on Robuild’s online promotion channels, ROBUILD, and its partners. We will use these data only for the stated purpose, namely to promote the event you attended. The materials created during the events will be kept for the duration necessary to achieve the purpose.
iii. Audio/video materials posted on social networks will not be deleted, as the interest of Robuild, ROBUILD, and its partners is to promote their brands. Within the perimeter of the exhibition, the Organizer, the Organizer’s partners, collaborators, or accredited press have the right to record and photograph the event. Participants acknowledge that there is a possibility of appearing in such materials, without being able to claim rights over these materials. The Organizer has the right to use these materials, to publish them on various channels (e.g., Social Media, YouTube, TV, website, etc.), and to use them in advertising campaigns without compensating the participant in any way.
By participating in the event, you express your consent for these photos and videos to be published. The above terms comply with the provisions of the Personal Data Processing Security Policy of ROBUILD. For complete information on ROBUILD‘s Security Policy regarding the processing of personal data, please request information available at the address:
Environmental Protection
Participants must comply with all legal provisions regarding environmental protection and waste management, including the disposal of waste generated during the event and the arrangement/dismantling of spaces used during it.
Access for Minors
Minors under 7 years of age have free access to the exhibition. Upon request of the persons responsible for access to the exhibition, security and monitoring, as well as the Organizer’s representatives, the accompanying person must present documents (student ID, passport, or any other document containing the minor’s photo) that attest to the minor’s age. Access for minors between 7 – 18 years is free if a student ID is presented, and will only be based on registration and only in the company of a parent/guardian. A parent/guardian may accompany only one minor under the age of 14. An adult is required to take responsibility for a minor and is obliged to complete and sign Annex 1 – “Commitment Declaration” (available on the Site – Parental Agreement), without which the minor’s entry into the exhibition area will not be allowed, whether accompanied or not. The responsible person will provide contact details in the commitment declaration that can be contacted in case of emergency. Adults accompanying minors are solely responsible for them. ROBUILD is not responsible for any unpleasant incidents. Minors are prohibited from consuming alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, and drugs.
Access for Persons with Disabilities
In the case of persons with disabilities classified in a category of handicap, they benefit from the following facilities: ● Children with disabilities, as well as the person accompanying them, benefit from free entry tickets to the exhibition; ● Adults with severe or accentuated disabilities, as well as the person accompanying them, benefit from free entry as follows: – Persons with severe disabilities (grade 1) and their companions benefit from free entry; – Persons with accentuated disabilities (grade 2) benefit from free entry within the available space limits. To benefit from free entry, persons with special needs must send a request containing a copy of the disability classification certificate and a copy of the identity card to the address Based on this certificate, the names and addresses of the persons concerned will be retained, with their data being deleted no later than 72 hours after the end of the exhibition duration. Access for persons with special needs is only based on an identity document and confirmation received by email after the Organizer evaluates the request. Incomplete requests and requests sent to other email addresses will not be considered. Participants who fall into a certain category of disability are required to present to the security team or the Organizer’s representatives a valid identity document and the certificate attesting to the disability. The companion benefits from free Ticket only if they provide proof, by any form of justifying document, that they are caring for and protecting the person with a disability they are accompanying. It should be noted for people with mobility issues, who use a wheelchair for movement, that some areas within the exhibition are not equipped with wheelchair-accessible entrances. The Organizer reserves the right to determine the number of persons with disabilities who will be able to participate in the exhibition, depending on the total number of participants and the capacity of the exhibition.
ROBUILD has the right to order the closure of the exhibition areas for safety reasons and non-compliance with the norms regarding this aspect.
The Organizer has the right, with immediate effect, to prohibit a participant’s access to the exhibition perimeter or to invite the participant to leave the exhibition, in case of violation of this regulation or a law in force in Romania. The Organizer will redirect cases of false tickets, false invitations, false free access tickets, or false access coupons to the criminal authorities, for the initiation of investigation.
The Organizer has full rights over registered or unregistered trade names, logos, email addresses, domain names or URLs, signs used in correspondence, email, business cards, and other materials, logos, trademarks, as well as over materials, texts, and all information on or other channels that use the aforementioned in connection with the exhibition. The above-mentioned cannot be copied, used, or distributed for commercial purposes without the Organizer’s consent. The logos, signs, and other information are under the intellectual property of the Organizer and are protected by current European laws.
Raffles and Contests
The Organizer, at its discretion, will establish the conditions for conducting contests and raffles, in accordance with the law. Raffles and contests are conducted for a limited period and automatically expire on the date mentioned for each raffle or contest. Any raffle or contest can be interrupted or canceled at any time without prior notice. All participants will, however, be notified of such interruption or cancellation.
Any conflict arising between the Organizer and its visitors as a result of participating in the exhibition or using the Website will be resolved amicably. If this is not possible, conflict resolution falls under the competence of the Romanian courts.
Force Majeure
In cases of force majeure (as defined by the Civil Code), the Organizer may decide on changes or even the cancellation of the exhibition in exceptional situations.
Final Provisions
ROBUILD reserves the right to modify/adapt this regulation. By participating in events organized by ROBUILD, customers expressly accept the provisions of the Regulation. By becoming aware of this Regulation, it will be considered that participants will act accordingly and will respect what is stated in the document. Non-compliance with the conditions provided in the Regulation may lead to the termination of the contract and, if applicable, evacuation from the exhibition.